Frequently Asked Questions
What are your hours?
Drop-off is from 7:30-8am. Preschool and pre-K students may be dropped off as late as 8:30am. Ideally, students would be dropped off in time for them to be seated and ready for the day by 8am when instruction starts. Pick-up is from 3:10-3:30pm. Aftercare goes from 3:30-6pm. Preschool and pre-K tuition include aftercare services.
What are your billing plan options?
You can choose to pay one lump sum (due August 1), by semester (half due in August and half in January), over 10 months (beginning in August through May), or over 12 months (beginning in June through May). When you choose monthly payments your due date can be the 1st or 15th. You may also choose to pay biweekly (due every other week on the day of your choice) or semi-monthly (due on the 1st and 15th of each month).
What are my payment options?
Payments are made through Brightwheel by linking a credit card, debit card, or checking account. Brightwheel charges a 2.95% processing fee for credit/debit cards. If you link a checking account the fee is only 0.6% with a minimum fee of $0.25 and a maximum fee of $2.00 per transaction.
How does Autopay work?
When you turn on ‘Autopay’ in Brightwheel, your balance is automatically deducted on your due date from the payment method you select.
I was on Autopay at our previous center. Am I automatically set up on Autopay at LPS?
No. Each time your child transfers to a new center/school you must turn ‘Autopay’ on at the new center in Brightwheel.
How can I change my billing plan?
Parents cannot change their billing plans themselves. Submit a form to request the change or email billing@lafontaineprep.org.
How can I get a tax statement?
With a Brightwheel account you have access to your child's financial statements. When the statement for the previous year is available you’ll see a banner on your ‘Payments’ tab that will take you directly to your statement for the previous year. You can also access a Student Transaction Summary by following the steps on this page.
Is Aftercare included with tuition?
Aftercare for our preschool and pre-K programs is included with tuition. Aftercare for K-5th grade is charged a daily rate. You only pay for the days your child stays.
Do you accept CCAP?
Yes, we accept CCAP for preschool, pre-K, aftercare, and summer camp. You will need to contact the CCAP office to complete any necessary paperwork and designate our center to receive benefits for your child’s care. You may need to provide the location address. You will be responsible for all tuition until we receive your signed CCAP agreement showing the start date of benefits.
The CCAP office said they are sending my agreement to you through the Provider Portal. What do I do next?
We check the Provider Portal regularly. Once we receive your agreement, we will sign it, send it to you via email with instructions on how to sign and date it digitally and return it to us via email so we can submit it to CCAP electronically by uploading it to the Provider Portal.
If I’m on CCAP, how much will I pay each month?
Your agreement tells you three things: the daily rate according to the age of your child, the daily rate CHFS will pay, and your copay. Your payment may vary each month. You can calculate what you will pay each month. If your child is full-time and the CHFS payment is $25/day and there are 21 business days in a month ($25 X 21), CHFS will pay $525. You will pay the difference between the LPS daily tuition rate and the CHFS payment.
How much is the processing fee with Brightwheel?
When you link a checking account the fee is only 0.6% with a minimum fee of $0.25 and a maximum fee of $2.00 per transaction. The processing fee for credit/debit cards is 2.95%.
Why does my child have more than one Brightwheel account?
Every center/school has a separate Brightwheel setup, so your child will have a Brightwheel account for each center in which s/he is/was enrolled.
How can I remove duplicate Brightwheel accounts for my child on my parent Brightwheel account?
We can remove duplicate inactive Brightwheel student accounts, but by doing so, it will remove your ability to print end of year statements. If you would like the duplicate accounts removed, print the end of year statement for the inactive account first and then email us a request to remove it from your parent account.
Do you offer any tuition discounts?
Yes. Younger siblings at the same location receive a 10% discount and children of LPS employees receive a 25% discount.
Why don’t you prorate tuition for vacations, holidays, weather, or illness?
Tuition is charged annually regardless of attendance in order to create a predictable budget that allows us to consistently pay our employees and provide dynamic learning experiences for our children.
How do I link my parent Brightwheel account to my child’s Brightwheel account?
Email us and request your student’s unique Brightwheel code. Use that code to link your student’s account to your parent account.
I have to submit a form to the state for tuition reimbursement for my foster child. How do I calculate the daily rate?
If your child attended 21 days in the month and you paid $715 you divide 715 by 21. The daily rate for that month would be $34.05. Once you complete the form you may email it to billing@lafontaineprep.org for us to sign and return.