Welcome to the team.
Fill out your onboarding paperwork and drop it off to LaFontaine at 993 Four Mile Road or email it to Stacey@LaFontainePrep.org.
Send a photo copy of your ID to Stacey@LaFontainePrep.org.
Send a photo copy of your diploma (high school or college) or college transcripts to Stacey@LaFontainePrep.org.
You will receive an email from Identogo once your paperwork is turned in to us. Upon receiving this email, please schedule an appointment with them to get your fingerprints taken. This will allow us to process your background check and must be complete before you begin working.
You will receive an email from Intuit Workforce with an invite to join. Accept the invite, confirm that your name is correct, and create an account. Please complete all of the personal, tax, and direct deposit information.
Visit ece.trc.eku.edu and select “Request Account” (orange button). Create an ECE Account. You will then need to wait 24 hours for your account to be verified. Once verified, login and click the green tab at the top titled “Calendar/Approved Trainings.” Then select the purple underlined font at the top that says “Click here for Free Online Training…” You will then scroll down to select “Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, Child Physical Abuse, and Safe Sleep: A Program for Early Childhood Education Providers.” Please complete this training.
Visit your local health department or clinic and obtain a TB screening (questionnaire) OR TB test (needle test). We will need the test results within one week of your start date.
Download the Brightwheel, Homebase & GroupMe Apps—you’ll receive an invite to join Brightwheel and Homebase from us. We will get you added to GroupMe on your first day.
Please review our Staff Handbook and sign the last page and return to LaFontaine Preparatory School or to Stacey@lafontaineprep.org.
Please fill out this survey.
We are so glad you’re here!